Saturday, January 25, 2014

Change your perception about money

I would like to share with everybody my new vision about money, how I get to this and what is the path I followed for changing my perceptions I had.

I start working in my early 20. At the begging, I toyed with few summer jobs (I worked in my father's bar when I was13 and I worked as a beer seller in University, you know...that person who is putting you beer at the big beer festivals). I always considered that having money in my pocket brings me some kind of freedom ,which I still consider true. So I started my first serious job at 20 and since then I didn't stop. During eight years I changed five jobs. I learned quick and I get bored after I knew something very good. 

Because I'm working in Human Resources I found interesting a lot of theories about work and compensation, for example one theory says that money bring a short therm motivation for workers, it keeps your involvement high only for six month. That's the reason why a company should understand to stop motivating people trough money and start to find means more valuable to keep the people involved (anyway, this is another subject I'll develop in another post).

I always had small salaries and I considered more important to learn and grow but one day I realized that accepting this it means I don't add any value to myself and my work. So I decided to find a job where I'll have a certain salary, that I established to be decent and to allow me to enjoy more things. And I did it! 

Another way to get your financial independence is to avoid bank loans and generally to avoid having debts. This was my first step I did, because of course in my young recklessness I had multiple credit cards to shop what I want and to spend money on trips or going out. Thanks to my friend Nico who opened my eyes I did it and now I don't depend on any bank rate or shit like this.

Second step I did it was to be aware about what I'm doing with my money and why. I realized I'm spending every month all my salary. I don't know why and how but I was good at this. In fact, I think it's like a malady: the more you have, the more you spend. Then I decided it's time to stop this not so good behavior and start thinking about the money I have, how much I have and if it's worth to buy a particular thing or not. Also I tried to keep around only people with the same thinking and to stay away from the people who put so much value on the money they have because I believe this is a sick thinking. 

Another good advice I'd give, especially for women, is to change their minds about clothes. This is one of the 21 century problem for us, because we was learned with fashion roll models we see each day at TV (I don't do it for years). I realized I had the same thinking about clothes, in the past. I was sopping clothes because I was thinking it makes me feel good after. This is a false impression because once you are back in your home you lose any interest about it and you get only a big hole in your pocket. So I started to review my wardrobe and to throw or give what I don't wear and to keep only the things I really like. I considered it's more healthy to have a few things but nice things than to have a full wardrobe with shit. Another step for keeping this in my live is to go for shopping only when I need (for example I'm wearings the same jeans or boots until they broke or look bad). I did it in the past and I still hear this around me that people go in stores only to "take a look". I was asking myself: to take a look at what and what for? It's nothing healthy doing this, it's only a way to keep you shopping addiction active. So I stopped doing this few years ago and now I'm going for shopping when my favorite jeans are dead or when I don't have anymore socks :))

Lately, even if I have more money than in the past I started to take care what I'm buying and where I'm going out. I hate to pay for cocktails or accommodation or food money that don't worth (even if I afford this). Also I try to a lot of activities with less money: car pooling for road trips, not going at work by car, stay in tent instead of an expensive accommodation,  free seminaries or couchsurfing when I travel abroad). 

The most important thing is to keep tracking your money and to plan them for real valuable things. This has to be done by answering at few questions: how much I have and how much I need to spend. When you will order your pocket and you will plan your money you will be able to spend less, and to buy only what you really need. This will help you also to make savings which is a wonderful activity will let you do stuff you like in the future and even have the opportunity to leave your job if you don't like it and stay at home searching for what you really like.

I also recommend to watch million times Fight Club, one of my favorites movies, which is explains a lot about money's value:

So keep thinking about the money but not about how you can ear more but about what they means and how they impacts your life!


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