Sunday, January 5, 2014

How to survive without Facebook?

I spend so much time on Facebook and I realized a scarry picture: I had more than consecutive four nights when I starred at Facebook, without effectively speaking with somebody, only following the virtual life of my friends. Then I realized that I do the same when I'm out with my friends or even speaking with somebody: I check my Facebook feed page. I had some moments when my mind told me It's wrong to check your Facebook now and my fingers and eyes couldn't stop: let's try only for a few seconds. And few seconds on Facebook always become many minutes. So, I have to stop and disciplin my addiction. 

I started the first experiment in the New Years Eve night when I asked my friends to stop checking the Facebook and enjoy the party. I don't know how many of them did but I did it: no checking until next day in the morning.

After this I start thinking I'd want more: one month without Facebook. I want to follow my behavior in this month, and of course, I'll write here to inspire more people.

Today is the first day. I started my day with five lessons of Duolingo (a very funny app who teaches you a foreign language). I never did before five lessons in a moment! Then I went shopping things I never find time to search and buy. Because I still had some free time, I called one friend of mine for visiting her and now I just came back from her house, where we eat, drank tea and watched a movie. Hmmm...nice free time.

See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. All the free time sounds really good :), congrats for the decision!
